The Unit Mission:
The unit is dedicated to preparing effective educators, including teachers and other school professionals who are reflective practitioners and have the knowledge base, technological skills, research tools and professional proficiencies and dispositions to empower them to help diverse students succeed in their learning and community environments. The unit supports the values of competency, diversity, collaboration and ethical practice and commits itself to the tenet that all students can learn.
A Coherent Plan for the Preparation of Teachers and other School Professionals:
The Mercy University Conceptual Framework represents the group effort of faculty members in all unit programs to establish the philosophy, governing principles and standards to guide the unit and its individual programs. Through a consistent plan for curriculum, instruction, fieldwork, clinical practice and assessment, the Conceptual Framework sets forth the shared vision, mission, professional commitments and explicit proficiencies and dispositions the unit considers to be requisites for the preparation of teachers and other school professionals, enabling them to become Effective Educators.
Professional Education Unit Programs:
Programs in the School of Education:
- Early Childhood Education
- Childhood Education
- Secondary Education: Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), English, Mathematics, Social Studies
- Literacy
- Special Education
- Educational Leadership
Programs in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences:
- School Counseling
- School Psychology
Unit Goals:
Unit values and competencies are supported by the six goals and related proficiencies that define the effective educator in the unit’s Conceptual Framework. The six goals are: Content Knowledge, Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Diversity, Technology, Reflection and Dispositions.
Overview of the Mercy University Educational Unit Candidate Goals and Proficiencies:
Candidate Goals |
Candidate Proficiencies |
1. Content Knowledge |
1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of current research, theory, models and practice in the discipline or content area
1.2 Exhibit competency in the discipline or content area
2. Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge |
2.1 Plan and deliver instruction and professional services to address students' cognitive, linguistic, academic, cultural, social, emotional and physical strength and needs
2.2 Implement differentiated strategies that align with professional standards
2.3 Use assessment and other data based sources of information describe, inform and document student learning
3. Diversity |
3.1 Implement curricula of inclusion and provide intervention services that respect and build on the strengths of students from diverse experiential backgrounds
3.2 Demonstrate fairness and equity in instructional and professional practice
3.3 Exhibit awareness of how students' cultural, linguistic, ethnic and experiential backgrounds contribute to the school and broader communities
4. Technology |
4.1 Analyze and evaluate existing and emerging technological tools for advancing education goals and data-based decision making
4.2 Adapt technology effectively for student learning
4.3 Adhere to the ethical, legal and professional standards of technology
5. Reflection |
5.1 Apply current, evidence-based research to improve practice
5.2 Use self-evaluation for instructional and professional planning, promote health and well-being and maintain a safe and effective learning environment
6. Dispositions |
6.1 Demonstrate commitment to ethical and legal practice through professional behaviors and consistent adherence to ethical standards
6.2 Demonstrate respect for the roles of all stakeholders in the school and broader communities
6.3 Demonstrate the belief that all students can learn through respectful interaction and by providing experiences that encourage all students to be successful learners
The unit has developed an assessment system to support the implementation of these goals and to help stakeholders better evaluate unit effectiveness and determine areas for improvement. It outlines a process for continuous review of the effectiveness of the unit’s programs and operations serving our candidates, and includes a wide array of assessment processes, including course based key assessments to evaluate candidates’ progress, course evaluations to evaluate instructional effectiveness, exit and one-year follow up surveys to examine candidates perceptions of the effectiveness of the unit’s programs, as well as employer surveys to obtain their employers’ perspectives on our graduates’ preparedness for employment in the field of education.
An Emphasis on Diversity:
The Conceptual Framework threads the values of diversity through the content, pedagogical and clinical proficiencies and professional dispositions required of unit candidates for teaching and other school professions. Within its curricula, assignments and standards for clinical practice, the unit stresses inclusion and respect for the ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences among its candidates and faculty and for those of students, parents and staff in P-12 communities. Mercy University is a federally- designated Hispanic-Serving Institution proud to serve a diverse candidate population and was ranked in the top 100 schools awarding master’s degrees to Hispanics (Hispanic Outlook 5/072012). The unit strives to recruit and develop teachers and other school professional candidates from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds who demonstrate their potential to provide quality instruction to all learners.
In their progression through their professional education programs, candidates have the opportunity to interact with each other and with university faculty in richly diverse environment. The faculty provides candidates with the academic and pedagogical context to integrate research and standards-based curricula into practice and provides knowledge into how cultural, linguistic, ethnic and experiential backgrounds contribute to solving problems.
Key assessments results indicate that candidates demonstrate the ability to work with students, families and colleagues in ways that reflect the various proficiencies and dispositions expected of them as professional educators. They demonstrate understanding, professional behaviors and values that are consistent with the belief that all students can learn.