* Denotes peer reviewed
*Marrero, M.E. (2024). Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. In Asia Marine Educators Association (Ed). UN Ocean Decade Satellite Event Handbook: Action Plans and Challenges for Ocean Literacy by AMEA (pp. 51-52). Taiwan Ocean University.
*Marrero, M.E., et. al. (2024, April). The All-Atlantic Blue Schools Network. Poster presented at the UN Decade of the Ocean Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
*Marrero, M.E., & Napolitano, K.V. (2024, February). Once is Not Enough: Connecting Students of Color to their Local Waterways. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Marrero, M.E., & Payne, D. (2024, February). The Long Island Sound Schools Network. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
*Napolitano, K., Gunning, A. M., Marrero, M. E., & Nitecki, E. (2023). Developing and Sustaining Elementary STEM Teacher Leadership Identities. Global Education Review, 10(4), 37-55.
*Marrero, M. E., Brandon, L. T., Gunning, A. M., & Riccio, J. F. (2023). Supporting first-generation college students to become teachers in high-needs schools. The Teacher Educator, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/08878730.2022.2107128
*Gunning, A. M., Napolitano, K. V., & Marrero, M. E. (2023, April). Developing elementary STEM teacher leaders [related paper set]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Marrero, M. E., Napolitano, K. V., & Gunning, A. M. (2023, April). Parents as STEM facilitators: Perspectives following a parent/child workshop series [related paper set]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL.
*Agravat, T., Vasquez, J., and Marrero, M.E., (2023, March). Developing Student Environmental Voice
[workshop]. National Science Teaching Association Annual National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
*Marrero, M.E., (2023, March). Becoming an All-Atlantic Blue School [presentation]. National Science Teaching Association Annual National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
*Marrero, M.E., Gunning, A.M., Quackenbush, T., Vallice-Levy, R., Ohseki, A., (2023, March). Hands-on Fun of STEM Across Subjects [workshop]. National Science Teaching Association Annual National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
*Marrero, M., & Crawford, K. (2022). How Do Seaweeds Meet their Needs? A Kindergarten Investigation. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 36(1).
*Napolitano, K. V., Marrero, M. E., Gunning, A. M., Brandon, L. T., & Riccio, J. F. (2022). What happens after edTPA?. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (80).
*Payne, D. L., Marrero, M. E., Schoedinger, S. E., & Halversen, C. (2022). The Rise and Fall of the Tide: Ocean Literacy in the United States. Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(2), 270-276.
*Marrero, M.E., (2022, July). Becoming a Part of the All-Atlantic Blue Schools Network. National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) National Conference. Hempstead, NY.
*Gunning, A. M., Napolitano, K. V., & Marrero, M. E. (2022, March). Exploring How Engineering Instruction Supports Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices. NARST Annual International Conference. Vancouver, BC, CA.
*Crawford, K., and Marrero, M.E., (2022, Apr). Promoting Positive Ocean Behaviors. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
*Larson, K., Gunning, A.M., and Marrero, M.E., (2022, Apr.) Increasing Access to STEM Learning by Building Caregivers’ Self-Efficacy. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Marrero, M.E., Gunning, A.M., Agravat, T.S., Vasquez, J. (2021). STEM Accessibility is a Family Affair. ASCD Express Newsletter.
*Gunning, A. M., Marrero, M., & Larson, K. V. (2021, July). Studying In-service Teacher Professional Development on Purposeful Integration of Engineering into K-12 STEM Teaching. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, CA.
*Payne, D.L., and Marrero, M.E., (2021) Ocean Literacy: from a Ripple to a Wave. In Koutsopoulos & Stel (Eds). Ocean Literacy: Understanding the Ocean. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
*Marrero, M., Brandon, L., Gunning, A. M., Larson, K. V., & Riccio, J. F. (2021, April). What Happens After edTPA? Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual.
*Marrero, M.E., (April, 2021). Using Ocean Data in Science Instruction. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual.
*Payne, D.L., and Marrero, M.E., (April, 2021). Draw the Ocean. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Virtual.
*Gunning, A.M., Marrero, M.E., Nitecki, E., Brandon, L.T., Larson, K.V., (April, 2021). Supporting Elementary Teachers in High-need Schools to Teach STEM. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference, Virtual