Donor Stories: Ramon Cordies

"I give back because I am grateful."

When Ramon Cordies came to the United States in 1962 as a 14-year old with his family, he couldn’t have imagined what his life in a new country would become with a new culture and a new language to learn. Fifty years later, he looks back humbly on the opportunities that Mercy gave him and is so grateful for his experience that he has donated to the University since 1988.

"Mercy provides a great education at an affordable price," said Cordies, who is now retired from his position as a construction manager with the City of New York. "My success is a reflection of Mercy and it helped me overcome great adversity."

Cordies earned a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting in 1983, a degree that was required, and one he credits for helping him get his original position with New York City through a competitive civil service test. He would go on to be a part of numerous rebuilding projects throughout New York City, including the courthouses in the Bronx and the Bronx Zoo.

"I give back because I am grateful," said Cordies. "There are a lot of people that are responsible for all that I have. So many different individuals helped me academically, socially and professionally."

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Ramon Cordies