Donor Stories: Elizabeth Brown
Alumna Makes Mercy a Beneficiary in Her Will to "Pay It Forward"
I am the youngest of three children raised by a single mother who had to turn to the welfare system when I was 2 years old. Although I was a poor, inner-city kid from Washington Heights, I knew I was smart—and school came easily to me. My good grades allowed me to attend Sacred Heart High School in Yonkers, New York. I took an accounting course; and not only did I do well in it, but I was excited about it!
Raised in a different era, my mother didn’t see the value in a college education. That’s when Mercy swooped in, offered me a full scholarship, and changed the trajectory of my life. If not for that scholarship, I would not have gone to college. Now I look forward to helping others in the same way with the University as a beneficiary in my will.
I got a great education at Mercy, which led to my being hired by one of the big accounting firms, KPMG, right out of college. There I was, a kid from “The Heights,” at KPMG—I felt on top of the world. Since 1994 I’ve been the proud owner of my own tax and accounting practice. I also took my financial background and personal success skills and began teaching women about financial empowerment. I’m all about paying it forward, and I learned that at Mercy.
I am forever grateful for the opportunity Mercy gave me. I have come to understand that we create our own reality, but I’m not sure I could have done it without Mercy. My planned gift will help students who, like me, have the academic potential but not the financial means to go to college. I thank Mercy every day for helping me change my life.