Salil D Akhtar
- Assistant Professor, Nursing

- School of Nursing
- BX 4120
- (718) 678-8971
Salil David Akhtar has over twenty years of experience in undergraduate nursing education. Prior to academia, he functioned as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. He received his Doctor of Education, Master of Education and Master of Arts degrees from Teachers’ College, Columbia University – NYC. Dr. Akhtar serves as a Faculty Senator, Chairperson of the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum Committee, and is a member of the Committee on Committees and the Institutional Review Board at Mercy University.
Dr. Akhtar is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International and Kappa Delta Pi Honor Societies. He is also peer reviewer for the American Journal of Nursing and a Langston University Fellow. His scholarly interests include pedagogical design and curricular development as it relates to Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Healthcare within the professions of Education and Nursing. Dr. Akhtar has been with Mercy University since 2020 with the academic rank of Assistant Professor.
EdD, EdM and MA - Teachers' College, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - NYC
BS - State University of New York
AASN - Cochran School of Nursing
Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and Medical / Surgical Nursing
Langston University Fellowship