Roseanne Vallice Levy
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Assistant Professor School of Education

- School of Education
- MeH 25K
- (914) 674-7689
Dr. Roseanne Vallice Levy is an Assistant Professor of Special Education and Social Studies Education and currently holds the position of President of the Faculty Association. Her previous roles include serving as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the School of Education from 2016 to 2017 and again from 2019 to 2024. Additionally, she served as President of the Faculty Senate from 2020 to 2022. Dr. Levy is also a Co-Principal Investigator for the BranchED grant.
Dr. Levy earned her B.A. in Political Science from New York University; M.S. in Education, with a concentration in Special Education and Social Studies (Grades 7-12), from Long Island University; and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education from the University of South Florida.
Dr. Levy’s scholarly areas of expertise include teacher preparation, which includes the evaluation of PK-12 teachers, the evaluation of higher education faculty, as well as the implementation of research-based pedagogy within all classroom settings. Her critical, scholarly interests also emphasize the impact of teacher self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977) and teacher resilience within all classroom settings.
Dr. Levy also has several years of experience teaching at the secondary level (Grades 7-12) and has taught within multiple, diverse classroom settings in New York, Connecticut, and Florida.
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education: University of South Florida
M.S. Education with a concentration in Special Education and Social Studies: Long Island University
B.A. Political Science: New York University
Levy, R.V., Rosa, L. (Eds.) (2024). Learning to teach: Teacher educators’ stories to clarify, empower and overcome. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Levy, R.V. (2023). Trying to Fit a Square Peg into a Round Hole: Being Indian American in the USA. Global Education Review, 10(4). 10-20.
Alvarez McHatton, P., & Vallice, R.K. (2014). Exceptional student education: Utilizing the arts to facilitate inclusive environments: A case study in Special Education. In B. Cruz, A. Vasquez, E. Hayes, & C. Ellerbrock (Eds.), Talking diversity with teachers and teacher educators: Exercises and critical conversations across the curriculum (pp. 172-188). New York: Teacher College Press.
McHatton, P.A., Parker, A., Vallice, R.K. (2013). Critically reflective practitioners: Exploring our intentions as teacher educators. Reflective Practice. 14(3), 392-405. doi: 10.1080/14623943.2013.767235
Vallice, R. K. (2012). Examining the Experiences of First-Year Special Education Teachers: A Multiple Case Study Analysis. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
McHatton, P.A., Smith, M., Bradshaw, W., Vallice, R., Dias, L., (2011). "Doing Diversity...?" Preparing teacher candidates using a developmental model. In E. McCray, P. McHatton, & C. Beverly (Eds.), Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions for Culturally Competent and Interculturally Sensitive Leaders in Education.