Kathy-Anne Jordan
- Associate Professor, Special Education

- School of Education
- MT 324
- kjordan3@mercy.edu
- (212) 615-3365
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Teaching (Learning Disabilities Concentration)
Master of Arts, Curriculum and Teaching (Elementary Education)
New York University, New York, NY
Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Special Education
Research interests include the educational and social status of young Black males, and ongoing issues of racial disproportionality in special education. My previous research focused on the discursive construction of high-incidence "disabilities" among young Black males in two public junior high schools.
EDUC 502, Foundations in Education for Students with Disabilities (Birth through Adolescence)
EDUC 523, Development and Exceptionalities
EDUC 546, Educational Assessment for Students with Disabilities
EDUC 548, Principles and Strategies of Classroom Management for Students with Disabilities
EDUC 531, Teaching Students with Disabilities (Birth through 6)
EDUC 641, Autism
EDUC 674, Assistive and Learning Technology for Students with Disabilities and Special Needs
Jordan, K., Lapidus, S., & Ramaswamy, S. (2021). Analyzing the role of implicit bias from a DisCrit Perspective: The practical application of recommendations for the Pyramid Model framework. In T. Neimann, J. Felix, & E. Shliakhovchuk (Eds.), Policy and practice challenges for equality in education (pp. 102-122). IGI Global.
Jordan, K. (2020, May). [Review of the book Disability and academic exclusion: Voicing the student body, by E.R. Weatherup]. Journal of African American History, 105(2).
Jordan, K. & Tazi, Z. (2018). The multicultural school ecology: Inclusion beyond the classroom. In A. Esmail (Ed.), The Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Handbook for Practicing Educators: Leadership. MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Jordan K. (2016). The practice of special education referral. Teachers' discursive assumptions. The International Journal of Learner Diversities and Identities, 23(3), 33-54.
Tazi, Z., Jordan, K.A. (2016). Teacher preparation for a changing world. In Jan Böhm and Roswitha Stütz (Eds) Vielfalt in der Bildung: Lehrerausbildung und pädagogische Praxis im internationalen Vergleich [Translation: "Diversity in Education: An international comparison of teacher education and pedagogical practice"]. Erscheinungstermin: Dezember 2015. ISBN: 978-3-8376-3291-0.
Jordan, K. (2015). Social justice for inclusion: Preparing teachers for advocacy. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Pedagogical University of Lower Austria. In E. Rauscher (Hg.) Pädagogik für Niederösterreich. PH NÖ, Baden.
Jordan, K. (2015, Winter). [Review of the book Thinking comprehensively about education: Spaces of educative possibility and their implications for public policy, by E. Dixon-Roman & E. W. Gordon]. Journal of African American History.
Jordan, K. & Ramaswamy, S. (Eds.) (2014). Global perspectives on inclusion [Special Issue]. Global Education Review, 1 (1), 10-13.
Jordan, K. (2012, April 20). [Review of the book Leading for inclusion: How schools can build on the strengths of all learners, by P. Jones, J. R. Fauske & J. F. Carr]. Teachers College Record.
Jordan, K. (2012, January 19). [Review of the book The blind advantage, by B. Henderson]. Teachers College Record.
Jordan, K. (2008). [Review of the book Schools betrayed: Roots of failure in inner-city education]. The Journal of African American History, 93, 599-601.
Jordan, K. (2008). Teachers’ discursive constructions of disability: Implications for Black urban youth. The International Journal of Learning, 14 (10), 5-14.
Jordan, K. Oppenheim, R., Wong, J. Y., & Snow, C. (2006). Review Essay: Educational perspectives on the Encyclopedia of Disability, in three parts. Disability Studies Quarterly, 26 (4), 1-6.
Jordan, K. (2005). Discourses of difference and the overrepresentation of Black students in special education. Journal of African American History, 90, 133-155.
Jordan, K. & Reid, D. K. (2002). Experiencing marginalization in classroom discussions. The International Journal of Learning, 9, 653-667.